The Ultimate, Nutrient-Packed Super 8 Juice

The Ultimate, Nutrient-Packed Super 8 Juice

Summer is almost in full swing, and we have the perfect elixir to add to your self-care summer Sunday mornings! Meet our Super 8 Juice—a powerhouse drink that's chock-full of nutrient-dense ingredients to help you glow from the inside out. Packed with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, this delicious juice blend is perfect for anyone looking to embrace a clean eating regimen as part of a weekly ritual. And because it’s an energizing drink, it’s a good idea to make extra to store in the fridge for that midday slump. Fire up that blender and get sipping on this skincare superstar!


1 kale leaf

1 collard leaf

Handful of parsley

1 stalk of celery

1 carrot

½ red pepper

1 tomato

1 broccoli floret


Blend ingredients in blender until smooth.